The ppsspp software developed by Henrik rydqård, was a Wonderful and awesome release to the gaming cmmunity,

it currently has ten million downloads in 620,692 reviews for the free version, and hundred thousand downloads in 8,635 reviews on the paid gold version. it is no doubt the highest downloaded emulator that works positively as described by the app developer it truly emulates iso files on android smartphone's. But however you can only enjoy the smoothness of the games on high end devices, if your smartphone is of high specs, you will find it fun playing psp on it, examples of of smartphones with high system definition are the Sony experia Zseries I.e z1,Z2,Z3,Z5,Z6 e.t.c. Samsung Galaxy series S4,S4i,S5,S6 and so on, these devices are of high capacity. its not only Sony and Samsung that are coupled with powerful android system. we have many other monster devices which are been manufactured, under Production, and distributed daily. 
Also Read>>Best ppsspp games to download on your android device
but with the specifications and features of the
aforementioned smartphone's above you can figure out the best smartphone of your choice. if you notice, some of these high end devices only have two fingers multi touch feature which sometimes annoys you when playing some levels that requires 3 commands to bypass the scene, so I think its time to be
 back to the main topic how to use ps4 controller to play ppsspp games on android.
➡Otg cable
➡ps4 controller
➡android with Otg debug feature
You can purchase OTG from these online store
First>> go to your phone settings and enable Otg, or USB debugging depending on your OS type. 
Next >> connect your Otg cable with your ps4 .
image from
remote USB then plug the other end of the Otg port to to your devices, then wait for the orange light to show up on the controller. press the buttons to make sure its working.lastly>> open your ppsspp emulator then go to settings, >> system settings >>navigate to developer tools and check USB debugging login.(optional) you can also umark the on-screen control from Settings>>control. for a clearer view. Change the key mapping to the layout that suites you, but it has already been set.
you can now open any rom and begin playing.

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