Midnight webmaster's online

Mtn night plan has been around for some times now, but do not be suprise for this, there are those who do not flhave knowledge of this heart cooling free night browsing, although usage policy applies, Mtn night plan remains the cheapest, and affordable midnight subscription, compared to other networks, e.g airtel night plan costs #200 for 1.5gb valid for 5h, why spend such amount in a single night when you can get 2.5 × of  data at same price using multiple Mtn sims.
 moreover here are the features of Mtn night plan.
How to subscribe
Before subscribing make sure you're on Mtn ipulse, if not use *406#, reply with 1 to migrate.
Now SMS "night" without quotes to 131
#25 would be deducted from your account. You are good to go.
NB: it's advisable to subscribe at about 5minutes after 12. 

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